
Home Fish & Fisheries Home Freezing of Fish

Home Freezing of Fish



Updated by Suzanne Driessin, Food Safety Educator, University of Minnesota Extension
Edited by Elizabeth White, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute

Fact sheet, 5 pages

Freezing is a popular way to preserve fresh fish. Frozen fish can be kept from 1 to 6 months depending on the type and cut of the fish. To have good quality fish to freeze, preservation should begin as soon as you catch it.

This fact sheet describes preserving your catch for freezing, how to clean a fish, different methods used to freeze fish including lemon glazing and how to thaw frozen seafood. How to buy fresh seafood for freezing is also included.

Originally authored by David A. Stuiber, Mary E. Mennes, C.E. Johnson, Dept. of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Publication #: WISCU-G-14-012